Information for you

Feel inspired to create a strong foundation to your mental health. Look at your mental health from a holistic perspective. Consider your wellbeing in your wholeness: you physical, mental and spiritual health, together with your relationships with the others and the world.

Educate yourself and stay open to self-reflection and introspection. The source of the pain and healing is inside of you. Always remember your mental health is firstly your response ability, then it becomes the responsibility of your community and the local government.

Be empowered to live from a place of conscious awareness. When you live a mindful life you know you have the choice to be well or unwell at any moment in your life. Choose to live in presence, in love, kindness, care, compassion, acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness and gratitude. 

How to access support

There are many ways to find the support you need:

👉Ensure firstly that you have taken time for self-reflection, journaling and self-help.
👉Then talk to your close ones (family, friends, roomates, workmates, people from your local community)
👉Speak to your doctor in your local GP practice.
👉Browse online for information and support available
👉Get in touch with a charity organisation specialising in mental health