Message from our trustees

Many of us feel compelled in this modern world to make ourselves more successful, wealthy, popular, more knowleadgeable, more spiritual… in short, better versions of ourselves.

Challenged by the social demands, we are facing constant pressure to reach our full potential, whatever that is and we can’t fully accept ourselves for who we are right now. In fact, we are often encouraged to accept ourselves for who we are, yet in another way, we are pressured to become better, to succeed, to excel, which in itself highlights a profound contradiction.

Sharing the view that we are worthy whatever our social, financial, psychological or physiological attributes and irrespective of our beliefs, sexual orientation, background, nationality or ethnicity, I joined “The Significant You” charity inspired to contribute to the community, by enabling a platform that accepts individuals regardless of their circumstances, identities and labels.

A platform where not only we feel accepted and valued as we are, but also one that fosters a greater understanding of how we relate to the world around us, and creates ways to navigate through healing and connection with ourselves through personal exploration.

Excited to be part of this journey, I greet the significant you all !!!

≈ Anastasia Kotzamani

We all go through experiences which shape who we are

A past relationship with a controlling partner dramatically shattered my self-esteem and lowered my confidence. In the space of only a few years, I became a mere shadow of the person I once was. The thing is you don’t realise it happens. It is a process that little by little gnaw away at your self-confidence. It is a dark place to be in and, sadly, it is all too common.

Losing oneself in the turmoil of anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression can affect any of us.

I joined The Significant You for it strongly aligns with my beliefs and vision in reminding us that we are beautifully unique and worthy of living a life which reflects our core foundations and aligns with our fundamental needs. 

The Significant You charity is leading the way towards helping you see the beautiful and unique person you are inside and guides you create a happier, stronger and more fulfilled life.

I warmly welcome you all.


≈ Patricia Nnadi Leveque