Our Vision

We will work until every human being feels empowered and consciously aware of their holistic mental health.

Our Mission

We exist to remind you that mental health is a 3 tier response ability.

Firstly: it is your response ability to be consciously aware of your holistic mental health.

Secondly: it is the response ability of your community to treat you with care, fairness and equity.

Thirdly: it is the response ability of the governmental structures to create and implement policies that prevent and treat mental illness.

What we do

We empower individuals and communities to raise conscious awareness around holistic mental health. We campaign for mental health equity and we maintain an open dialogue with the governmental structures to address needed changes in the holistic mental health policies.

Our Values

Awareness – We live our lives with increased awareness of self, others and the world.
Responsibility – We are conscious that we have response ability regarding our mental health.
Human rights – We support human rights and promote peace, independence and justice.
Inclusion – We value equity, similarity and diversity.

Our Goals

Wellbeing – We campaign for good mental health for all.
Personal growth – We educate and empower you around holistic mental health. 
Partnership – We work in partnership with individuals and communities and we collaborate with governmental structures to achieve equitable mental health for all.
Relief – We offer you support to cope with life difficulties and regain a sense of wellbeing.

Read our story